Daytime Leagues
North Hill Curling Club has both women’s, men’s and combination leagues most weekdays.
Buzzer Rule
The Buzzer will sound 1 hour and 50 minutes (1:50) after the Scheduled start time. When the buzzer sounds teams may only complete the end in progress. Unless the Last (16th) stone has crossed the nearer hog line. In this case an additional end may be played.
Hilltop Ladies League – Monday at 8:50 a.m. & Wednesday at 1:15 p.m.​​
This league is accepting new teams and individuals looking for a team. You can choose to curl one day or both! A number of the participants are still working and schedule curling around their work schedule, while others are retired.
Foothills Ladies League – Tuesday at 8:45 a.m. & Wednesday at 8:45 a.m.
This league is accepting new teams, individual curlers or spares.
The Tuesday league format is team based, which can be comprised of four, five or more players. Join as a team or as individuals to be placed on a team wherever possible. Spares are very welcome.
Contact: Lorraine
Contact: Laurie
Wednesday League format is comprised of individual players being placed on teams twice a year and has a more relaxed format of points rather than score – great for new curlers.
Contact: Anni
North Hill Ladies League – Monday at 1:15 p.m.
This league has been playing since the club’s inception. It is a non-competitive league. All skill levels and ages are welcome, as are “stick” players.
Skips draw for players twice a season.
Contact: Lynn Handy
Contact: Dawn Bartusek
Super 60's Seniors League – Monday & Wednesday at 11:05 a.m.
This league consists of teams playing both Monday and Wednesday for the season. Individual players are welcome and an active spares list is maintained through a spare coordinator.
Contact: Len Slobogian
North Hill 60's Seniors League – Tuesday & Thursday at 11:05 a.m.
This league consists of teams playing both Tuesday and Thursday for the season. Players are age 60 or older although some “under-age” players will be accepted. Individual players are welcomed and an active spares list is maintained through a spare coordinator. This league is currently accepting women’s teams.
Contact: Greg Black
Friday Masters League – Friday at 12:30 p.m.
This is a competitive masters league (age 60+). Play begins following Thanksgiving and continues until late January.
Contact: Gord Rutherford
Esso Annuitant League – Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
This league is primarily populated by ESSO retirees; although others are welcomed.
Contact: Gene Skeith